Principal Scientist
- Specialisation:Bioinformatics & Computational structural biology
- Email:rituraj@ihbt.res.in
- Qualification: B.Pharmacy, M.Tech & Ph.D
- Phone: +91-1894-233339 Ext 421
My scientific interests focus on range of issues related to structural bioinformatics. By adopting multidisciplinary approach combines first-principle physics with the analysis of biological systems such as 3-dimensional structure of proteins, protein-drug complex and nucleic acids, I would like to observe that how certain mutation alter the dynamics behavior of proteins and its interaction with other molecules. I am very much interested in molecular folding, evolution, and binding interactions, and structure/function relationships of experimentally solved structures and from computational models.
GATE fellowship - MHRD Govt. of India Postdoctoral fellow - Italian Institute for Genomic Medicine, Torino, Italy Early Career Research Award (ECRA) by SERB-DST, Govt. of India. H-index: 32
I am looking for highly motivated students with independent fellowship like CSIR/UGC/DBT/INSPIRE are welcome to contact. Candidates interested in applying for their own postdoctoral/ Ph.D funding should contact with detailed CV and research interest.
Current Group: Graduate Students/ Research Fellows- Mr. Sachin Kumar, Ph.D candidate
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