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  • Identified a unique pathway for re-assimilation of photorespired CO2 and NH3 in C3 plants at high altitude. Pathway was transplanted with success in Arabidopsis, a C3 plant species; the transgenics showed improved photosynthesis and yield, and reduced photorespiratory losses. The work which shows an alternative route for improving photosynthesis in crop plants through introduction of C4-like traits into C3 plants, was well appreciated by the F1000 prime group (a faculty of more than 8,000 international leading experts in biology and medicine).
  • Developed "Compost Booster” - a microbial formulation for rapid degradation of night soil to manage human waste in cold desert areas. The compost boosters were distributed among a few households in Lahaul for trial in 2018. After positive feedbacks and awareness drives,160 households in adopted it five gram-panchayats in Lahaul in December 2020 and January 2021.
  • Generation of livelihood for increasing the income of cattle rearers by development of one SFURTI cluster on production of enriched compost under MoMSMEat Sirmaur district with total budget of Rs 2.5 crore impacting 200 beneficiaries.
  • Whole genome sequencing of endangered medicinally important Himalayan plant species Picrorhiza kurroa was done totally inhouse. A portal PicroDB was developed to host newly assembled Picrorhiza genome.
  • Established that potential endophytes form high altitude genetic resources for stress tolerance.
  • Key regulators for thorn morphogenesis cut roses.
  • Thermostable Fe/Mn superoxide dismutase, broad temperature active lipase, unique laccase and L-Asparaginase (HimAsnase™) for diversified industrial applications.
  • Cellulose nanonion for therapeutics.
  • DNA barcode technology for plant authentication
  • Novel Himalayan microbial communities derived biodegradable bioplastic polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and violacein pigment production.
  • Tissue culture protocol for mass production of quality corms of saffron and mass production revival of endangered high value medicinal plant of Himalaya.
  • Hydroponics & Aeroponics for shorten flowering cycle and year round production of commercially important lilium and tulip.
  • Development of the technology of early fruiting shiitake mushroom on varied substrates available across the Indian Himalayan region and its enrichment with Vitamin D2.
  • Through bioinformatics studies, HimalayanbioactivemoleculesagainstCOVID-19 targetswereidentified as importantleadsfromTea,Turmeric,FennelandDeodar.
  • Identified potential susceptibility genes during rice-Rhizoctnia solani AG1-IA interaction: critical for development of control strategies.
  • Phone no: +91-1894-233339 (O) Intercom 350
  • Email: hallan@ihbt.res.in