Senior Principal Scientist
- Specialisation: Plant Breeding
- Qualification:Ph.D.
- Phone: 01894-233339 Ext 373
Germplasm appraisal, generation of new variations and varietal improvement of commercially important crops
Registered germplasm lines of gerbera (HIM Glow - IC0613967, INGR15019; HIM Peace - IC0613966, INGR15018 ) and stevia (HIM Stevia - IC0624505, INGR17052; Stevia Mutant IC0624506, INGR17053 ) at NBPGR-ICAR, New Delhi.
- Dhyani, D. and Singh, S. 2010. Domestication and conservation of Incarvillea emodi – a potential ornamental wild plant. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 80 (2): 182-185.
- Yadav Ashok Kumar, Singh S., Dhyani D. and Ahuja P.S. (2011). A review on the improvement of Stevia [Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni)]. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 91 (1): 1-27.
- Singh S., Dhyani D. and Kumar Ashok. 2011. Expression of Floral Fasciation in Gamma-ray Induced Gerbera jamesonii Mutants. Journal of Cell and Plant Sciences 2 (2): 7-11.
- Singh S., Dhyani D. and Kumar Ashok. 2011. Flower colour variations in gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) population using image analysis. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 81 (12): 1130-1136.
- Raina S. N. , Ahuja P. S. , Sharma R. K. , Das S. C. , Bhardwaj P., Negi R. , Sharma V. , Singh S., Sud R. K. , Kalia R. K. , Pandey V. , Banik J., Razdan V., Sehgal D. , Dar T. H. , Kumar A. , Bali S., Bhat V. , Sharma S., Prasanna B. M. , Goel S., Negi M. S. , Vijayan P. , Tripathi S. B. , Bera B., Hazarika M., Mandal A. K. A. , Kumar R. R. , Vijayan D., Ramkumar S. , Chowdhury B. R. , Mandi S. S. 2012. Genetic structure and diversity of India hybrid tea. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. DOI 10.1007/s10722-011-9782-6.
- Singh S., Sud R. K., Gulati A., Joshi R., Yadav A. K. and Sharma R. K. 2012. Germplasm appraisal of western Himalayan tea: a breeding strategy for yield and quality improvement. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. DOI 10.1007/s10722-012-9938-z. 60:1501-1513.
- Yadav A K, Singh S., Dhyani D., Bhardwaj G., Sharma A., Singh B. and Ahuja P.S. 2013. Induction and morphological characterization of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) colchiploids. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 83: 159-165.
- Singh S. and Yadav AK. 2013. Genotypic response of Stevia rebaudiana accessions to in vitro clonal propagation using nodal explants. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 83: 647-650.
- Singh S., Kumar A. and Dhyani D. 2013. Inheritance of pigment markers associated with flavonoid and carotenoid pigmentation in flowers of Gerbera jamesonii. Canadian Journal of Plant Breeding 1(3): 110-114.
- Yadav A K, Singh S. and Dhiman R. 2014. Self-incompatibility evidenced through scanning electron microscopy and pollination behaviour studies in Stevia rebaudiana. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84: 93-100.
- Dhyani D. and Singh S. 2014. Potential wild rose germplasm of Western Himalayas - Conservation, Evaluation and Registration. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84 (2): 229-235.
- Bhandawat A., Sharma H., Nag A., Singh S., Ahuja P. S. and Sharma R. K. 2014. Functionally relevant novel microsatellite markers for efficient genotyping in Stevia rebaudiana Bertonii. Journal of Genetics 93: e75-81.
- S. Singh, Raja Ram, Somu Kaundal, Akhil Sharma, Ashok Kumar and D. Dhyani. 2016. Field performance and differential response of micro-propagated potential F1 genotypes of Gerbera jamesonii. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 10(1): 1-11.
- Singh, S. and Dhyani, D. 2016. Domestication of Wild Gerbera (Gerbera gossypina (Royle) Beauved). International Journal of Plant Science and Ecology Vol. 2,, pp. 10-14.
- Singh, S., Dhyani, D., Nag, A. and Sharma, R. K. 2016. Morphological and molecular characterization revealed high species level diversity among cultivated, introduced and wild roses (Rosa sp.) of western Himalayan region. Genet Resour Crop Evol DOI 10.1007/s10722-016-0377-0.
Dhyani, D. and Singh, S. 2015. Wild roses of Western Himalayas & A catalogue of Rosa species. CSIR-IHBT Publication.
Book ChaptersSingh S., Kumar A., Karthigeyan S. and Ahuja P. S. 2013. Genetic Improvement of Tea. In: Science of Tea Technology (eds. PS Ahuja, A. Gulati, RD Singh, RK Sud and RC Boruah). Scientific Publishers (India) pp. 22-63.