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Dr. Ramesh


  • Specialisation: Agronomy, Extension and Advisory
  • Email: ramesh@ihbt.res.in
  • Qualification: PhD
  • Phone: 9459599000

Best M.Sc. Thesis Award 2011 for the Thesis entitled “Resource conservation through planting techniques in maize-wheat cropping system” by Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi.

Best Poster Presentation Award for the poster entitled “Development of innovative farming practices adaptable to the changing climate” by Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi presented during National Symposium on Agricultural Diversification for Sustainable Livelihood and Environmental Security held on 18-20 November, 2014 at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.

Ramesh, S.C. Negi, S.S. Rana, Suresh Kumar. 2018. Effects of resource conservation technologies on productivity, nutrient acquisition, employment generation and energetics of maize (Zea mays)-based cropping systems in North-Western Himalayan region. Indian Journal of Agronomy 63(3): 285-292

Ramesh, S.C. Negi, S.S. Rana and S.K. Subehia. 2016. Effect of tillage, crop rotations, residue and fertilizer management on productivity, profitability and resource use efficiency of maize (Zea mays L.)- based cropping systems in north-west Himalayas. Research on Crops 17(1): 35-40

Ramesh, S.S. Rana, Suresh Kumar and R.S. Rana. 2016. Impact of different tillage methods on growth, development and productivity of maize (Zea mays)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8(4): 1861-1867

Ramesh, S.C. Negi and S.S. Rana. 2016. Resource Conservation Technologies (RCTs)-Needs and Future Prospects: A review. Agricultural Reviews 37(4): 257-267

Ramesh, S.S. Rana, S.C. Negi, Suresh Kumar and S. K. Subehia. 2014. Effect of resource-conserving and planting techniques on productivity of maize (Zea mays)–wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system. Indian Journal of Agronomy 59(1): 34-40

R.S. Rana, S.K. Sharma, Ranu Pathania, Ramesh and S.S. Rana. 2018. Study on maize production under changed climatic scenarios in western Himalaya of India. Mausam 69(2): 323-330

S.S. Rana, S.K. Subehia, Ramesh and S.C. Negi. 2017. Site specific nutrient management for yield maximization in rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system in north-western Himalayas. Indian Journal of Agronomy 62(2): 109-116

R.S. Rana, Vaibhav Kalia, Ramesh, Ranu Pathania and K.K. Singh. 2016. Managing impacts of extreme weather events on crop productivity in mountain agriculture. Mausam 671: 223-232

Suresh Kumar, S.S. Rana, N.N. Angiras and Ramesh. 2014. Weed management in tea with herbicides mixture. Indian Journal of Weed Science 46(4): 353-357

Navell Chander, Suresh Kumar, Ramesh and S.S. Rana. 2013. Nutrient removal by weeds and crops as affected by herbicide combinations in soybean-wheat cropping system. Indian Journal of Weed Science 45(2): 99–105