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  • Specialisation: Floriculture and Landscaping
  • Email: poonam@ihbt.res.in
  • Qualification: PhD
  • Phone: Ext- 383
  • Development of value added products from aromatics and herbals

    Characterization of ornamental crops Edible flowers: new source of functional food

Awarded Merit Certificate in Matriculation Awarded University Merit Scholarship in B.Sc
  • Awarded Certificate of Honour for B.Sc
  • ICAR- Junior Research Fellowship (2010)
  • ICAR- Senior Research Fellowship (2013)
  • IARI- Senior Research Fellowship (2013)
  • ICAR- NET (2013 and 2016)
Selected Research Publications

Poonam Kumari*, Ujala and Bhargava B. 2021. Phytochemicals from edible flowers: opening a new arena for healthy lifestyle. Journal of Functional Foods, 78: 104375.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2021.104375

Poonam Kumari, T. Manjunatha Rao, Anuradha Sane, Rajiv Kumar and M.V. Dhananjaya. 2016. Characterization of Fusarium wilt in resistant and susceptible gladiolus (Gladiolus spp) genotypes using DNA markers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(7): 849–53.

Poonam Kumari, D.V.S. Raju, K.V. Prasad, Kanwar Pal Singh, Supradip Saha, Ajay Arora and Firoz Hossain. 2017. Quantification and correlation of anthocyanin pigments and their antioxidant activities in rose (Rosa hybrida) varieties. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(10): 1340–6.

Poonam Kumari, D.V.S. Raju, Kanwar Pal Singh, K.V. Prasad and Sapna Panwar. 2018. Characterization of phenolic compounds in petal extracts of rose (Rosa hybrida L.). Indian Journal of Horticulture, http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/0974-0112.2018.00060.9

Poonam Kumari, Sapna Panwar, Thaneshwari, Namita, Sapna Kaushal and Shisa Ullas P. 2017. Pigment Profiling of Flower Crops. Ecology Environment and Conservation, 23 (2): 1000-1008.

Poonam Kumari, Sapna Panwar, Kanwar Pal Singh, D.V.S. Raju and Prabhat Kumar. 2014. Artificial lighting systems for ornamental plants - A review. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, 17 (1&2): 1-11.

Thaneshwari, Poonam Kumari*, Rishu Sharma and Homraj Anandrao Sahare. Therapeutic gardens in healthcare: A review. 2018. Annals of Biology, 34 (2): 162-166

Sapna Panwar, Poonam Kumari, Thaneshwari and R.L. Misra, 2017. Salpiglossis In: Commercial Ornamental Crops: Cut Flowers. Edited by R.L. Misra, Sanyat Misra. Kruger Brentt Publishers UK. Ltd., pp. 475-478.

Namita, Poonam Kumari, Soudamini Karjee and Sanyat Misra, 2017. Columnea In: Commonly Used Ornamental Plants. Edited by R.L. Misra and Sanyat Misra. Kruger Brentt Publishers UK. Ltd., pp. 247-262.