Research Facilities
- Next-generation sequencing system PacBio RSII and NovaSeq 6000
- Proteomic facility with MALDI-ToF, MALDI ToF-ToF and Ion Mobility Q-ToF LC/MS
- Metabolomic facility: HPLCs, GC with headspace, GC-MS, UPLC MS-MS, NMR-300, 600 Mhz, super critical extraction • Bioinformatics facility (high end workstations, servers, Linux cluster for parallel computing algorithms, distributed computing)
- Microscopes (Scanning Electron, Transmission Electron, Atomic Force and Confocal, Laser Assisted Dissecting, Hi-end Stereozoom with Micromanipulator)
- Walk-in plant growth chambers
- Plant identification, soil testing, mapping (RS-GIS platform)
- Aeroponic and hydroponic facilities
- State-of-the-art geoinformatics facility
- Facilities for virus indexing, heavy metal toxicity testing and pesticide residue analysis
- Food processing and analytic facilities (encapsulation, extruder, flaking and freeze drying units, cereal puffer, carbohydrate analyzer and capillary electrophoresis)
- Tissue and cell culture facilities (micro-propagation culture lab, secondary metabolites production in biorectors, transgenic production, and containment)
- Farms and polyhouses for domestication and development of agrotechnologies of ornamentals, aromatic and medicinal plants and high value crops
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